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Le 2011-11-24 01:36, Jonathan Aquilina a écrit :
On 23/11/2011 18:56, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Reply-To: Hi *, as some of you already have noticed, we're currently evaluating askbot (a system similar to stackoverflow, a question & answers system) for end-user support, in addition to forums. The test installation is available at: (not that the theme is being worked on, so there might be display glitches at times). The question and the reason why crossposting this to l10n & projects (please f'up2 website) is: How should different languages be handled? See also I personally would prefer the mixing-bowl approach, i.e. only one site where questions in different languages are posted. Would you consider this as a problem? What other proposals do you have? Feel free to use the askbot installation to post your answers, or reply to the mailinglist. ciao Christian
I have looked at phpbb and it has over 40 different languages if i remember correctly. Would it be possible to link the forum posts to a section on askbot for that particular language? Regards Jonathan Aquilina Get a signature like this. <> CLICK HERE. <>

I am a little confused as to why we are looking at "Askbot".

The original reason for looking at starting our own forums was that people wanted a "native" LibreOffice Forums. We are not going to keep using Nabble because people say that it does not feel like the "forums" system they are used to. So, why are we looking at systems that do not feel anything like forums?

If we are to keep our present userbase happy, we should get a forums up and running just like they are used to using. Why would we put up anything else would just leave people thinking that we are not responding to their request for a "forums like we are used to" and rather put up something that they are unfamiliar with. This will only dissuade them from joining our new help system and leave them complaining, again, that we do not offer them a "forums like we are used to". I feel we need to respond to our userbase needs if we are looking to serve them as well as grow our LibreOffice community.



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