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On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 15:34 +0100, Alexander Werner wrote:
Hi all,

Am 12.11.2011 um 22:35 schrieb drew:
I believe there are pros and cons to type of platform:
- the more 'traditional' BBS style 
- the tag/rank based platforms, as here

and each package within a group
- shapedo, stackoverflow, question2answer …

I have setup a stackoverflow-like q&a system on


It uses Askbot as platform, simply because the framework it uses is well-known to me and the 
development is quite fast-paced.
Everyone feel free to start playing around / start using it, you can login either by creating a 
local account or using the provided authentication backends.

I really think that the different platform type come at delivery
features in rather different ways and maybe cater to somewhat different
user types (personas) - specifically a difference between people that
prefer to browse for information vs assisted search [assisted here
meaning use of a search box] and even then there are difference types of
browsing interactions - drill down vs jump to, is how I would name two

When I look at many active forums with many topics, new users very often ask duplicated and 
duplicated and duplicated questions, and one of the main answers of moderators is a tutorial on 
how to use the search function. The ofter problem I observe often is the inability of users to 
stick to the category layout, so moderators often have to move topics around. And finally long 
topics often get so confusingly long that the answer to the question is on page 25 of 39.

Thats why I strongly prefer using a rated Q&A system for _problems_ the user has: A Question is 
asked, if necessary refined and edited. The best answer is voted and selected, and immediately 
appears after the question.
Users who work constructively gain points ("karma") and consequently more rights. So the whole 
thing is a lot more self-sustaining than traditional forums.

Right - I spent a bit of time looking into the specifics on this..I do
like the approach on a number of levels.

When creating a new question, comparable questions are automatically searched for, so the user 
sees immediately: There might already be a question similar to mine that has already been 

Of course, a Q&A system also has weaknesses, e.g. its layout assumes the structure of questions 
and answers and not a flow of discussion.

Yes I think there are some questions beyond just Q+A flow - I'll beg off
on that for the moment and follow up on the wiki page (will drop a
message back here later on that)

So, I would suggest that, for just the moment, we try to look at package
pros and cons within it's group, as if we where going to setup one of
each - pushing back a final decision to one of, which type would be

That's a good idea, also because forums and q&a system both have unique pros and cons…. I'll 
prepare the vm for the setup of a forum when I find time to do this.

Well, maybe I can off load some of that - I have a shared server which
could be used to setup one or more test sites - thought I'd talk with
Jonathon (and/or others) about working with me on that - if he (or
others) are interested in pursuing that I'll setup a sandbox area later
today and assign credentials for same.

Best wishes,


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