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Hi Drew, *,

On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 4:06 AM, drew <> wrote:
On Fri, 2011-06-24 at 21:03 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:

Why the vertical navigation instead of the horizontal second or third
ones like both site and the wiki site.

Different theme..

Yes, the LibreOffice-Box theme was based on the initial TDF-Theme,
that page at the time did not have any subpages, so the left-hand
navigation was added to have /some/ way of having subpages.
But of course you're free to create your own theme.

I just chanted that - Look at the site right now:

With that theme, you can use the "Fullwidth" checkbox to hide the left

Right - I tend to agree, so maybe we need to make our own theme, again,


or just convince others to let us

? Don't understand that - why "or" the two sentences are the same, aren't they?
You don't need permission to create your own theme, it requires a bit
of reading as to how Silverstripe creates the pages, but apart from
that it is straightforward.

See for documentation about the template format.

Also I was wondering how the "system" would compensate for all the
shared folders and links so the files will be properly located on the
ISO of the DVD?

The CMS exports the rendered html pages.
A script then extracts all links to assets from those files and
creates a list of files that then are copied along with the html. So
only what is referenced from the html pages will be copied, the rest
will not be included.
The script adds some additional stuff related to the browser that is
launched when using the DVD on Windows (Kmelon browser, and the
launchers to install LO directly)

Right and it appears to me that they also did not use the CMS to produce
the .iso, only for distribution, so far.

No, the CMS is the master for the DVD's content as well. But the
actual ISO creation is of course a seperate step. (CMS exports HTML,
script extracts links from the html, copies files from assets & the
theme's files, then you got a directory that you need to create an ISO
from) is what would you see on the DVD when
you inserted it locally.


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