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Hi Bernhard, *,

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Bernhard Dippold
<> wrote:

The mail message number at the TDF mail archive is not the message number in
the mails header and thus not the one to be used to get a specific mail.

The archiving is done by a different software than the mailinglist
handling. So not sure whether there is a way to guarantee consistency
even if we tried.

That was one of the reasons to add the headers -
although they are not available instantly, but only after the cronjobs
at are run, so there's always a little delay until
those work.

So here is the difference 17 mails.

On the design list it's 8 mails:

It would take considerable amount of work to align them, and unless it
is really a one-time discrepancy (not sure about that, maybe the list
also counts received but not-moderated-through messages and hence will
get out of sync again once someone doesn't let spam pass. refers to
and can be got via

Are there some mails stripped from the archives?

Well - no idea - would be a volunteer's task to first check what
numbers are missing from the index/whether the index commands return
each and every message or whether there are skips already.

Perhaps test mails from the first beginning?

Maybe for one or two lists, but not for the ones that were created
later on like design (at least I don't know a reason why there should
be 8 "test" or whatever messages that would then have been removed)

Should we provide consistent mail numbers, allowing people to refer to the
right mail numbers from the archive?

Referring to mails by ID like that is very fragile, better use msg-id
or a hash like from, that way you can restore them.

When you only rely on arbitrary web-archive numbers/urls, like OOo
did, you end up with non-working links once the archive is moved to
another engine/infrastructure,...

( hashes/links are urlsafe bencoded  sha1sums of
msg-id & list-address)

So when there are "skip" in the lists's own index, then there is no
way at all to keep them in sync. When they are continuous without
exception, then it is a question of what messages are missing from the

(But I won't do this comparison myself for sure :-)


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