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On Sun, 2011-06-19 at 15:47 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-06-19 06:57, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :
Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 6/19/11 11:25 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Could you suggest another description that we could use that would be
more appropriate for us?
I think that we should use "free software license, preferably copyleft"
Just "free software license" linked to would exactly match with the
RMS quote on and would
include both free-permissive licenses (Apache) and free-copyleft
licenses (LGPL).

Anything else would be a new interpretation of the original statement
and would exclude (or discourage) some free software from the extensions
repository, but of course the Steering Committee is free to decide on
the policy of the LibreOffice websites regardless of RMS's quotes from
months ago.


Thanks Andrea,

This make more sense for now.

I also agree that the SC should maybe take this up on a confcall for a 
discussion as to their philosophy on use of "free software" or if they 
decide to be even more specific "copy-left licensing".

Once again -1 to that idea.

If there is to be a policy of this magnitude then the correct way is to
have a vote of the members of the foundation, not the SC or the BOD when
it exists, IMO.

 I think this is 
an important point to take up taking into consideration the latest 
situation with questions to the ASF licensing issues.

I also believe this is a very important situation but the greatest
importance lies not with this specific singular policy, rather with how
such a policy should be created. 

 Which world view will we hold - Do we discuss and come to a group
decision or do we lobby for the decision of a select (even if elected)
few - this is not a causal question, and I thank you for bringing it up.


Drew Jensen
Document Foundation Member

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