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Hi all,

Is it me, or has the fact that accessing the OOo extensions website has
become a farce escaped everyone's notice ?

Using the Extensions Manager to download extra extensions is now a joke.
It points you to :

which just redirects to :

Most of the extensions available there are actually hosted on :

Trying to access that site invariably results in :

"The connection to the server was reinitialised, please try again"

or a timeout, or a "page not found" error.

This is not the way to win people over or make a credible statement to
the user population out there that relies on some of those extensions to
fill the gaps where OOo (and now LibO) was felt lacking in functionality.

It would be easy to say, "well, obviously it is Oracle's fault for
pulling the plug, stalling, reducing resources", or whatever other
excuse we might like to come up with. Ultimately, it is our own
responsibility to provide somewhere that will store those extensions and
make them accessible in a reliable manner.

So may I ask what, if anything, is being done, or have I missed something ?


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