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Hi :)
I thought it was only bug-fixes and simple upgrades that were back-ported
to LTS releases?

I thought there had been a bit of argument within the Ubuntu community
about that sort of thing and how it is difficult to maintain all the
dependancies.  A very old version of an Ubuntu LTS becomes a bit like a
Redhat with just really old versions of old programs.

You could always try installing things directly using the Windows method of
trying to stumble onto the right website and hope that it's download hasn't
been compromised and then install that.  I can't see that as an attractive
route though.

I used to have a multi-boot machine for myself and tried to use the latest
LTS fairly shortly after release.  Then it'd be several weeks or even a
couple of months before i'd upgrade a couple of other machines.  Then a
decent chunk of the remaining ones another few months, or even years after
that.  I'd always have a few with really ancient LTSes on just because
those machines wouldn't get used so much.  One time i tried to leap-frog by
starting the upgrade cycle with those machines ahead of the rest but people
still didn't use them much so i didn't get as much feedback about the
newest LTS that way.

It's not such a problem having people on different versions of Ubuntu as it
is with Windows.  Different versions of programs or even different programs
doing the same job is MUCH less of an issue than when using Microsquish

Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 June 2016 at 15:52, Paul D. Mirowsky <> wrote:

My apologies, you are correct.

On 6/22/2016 6:06 PM, Bastián Díaz wrote:


You could ask that Flatpak support in this mailing list. Cheers.

El 22-06-2016 08:48, CVAlkan escribió:

This is probably more of a flatpak question than a libreoffice question,

Will the LibreOffice in FlatPak format eventually be available for Ubuntu
versions earlier than 14.04. I've been following the progress of the next
LTS version (Ubuntu 16.04), but it doesn't seem stable enough nor have
the app support I need to upgrade yet.

Has anyone attempted to "fudge this into working (e.g. upgrading Gnome
stuff, etc.)? I've only used one of these "packaged" app systems so far
(MuseScore.AppImage) but it appears to work really well ...

Thanks for any comments or info ...

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