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Hi :)
Errr, i meant posting it as being specific to the 5.0.x might not be
helpful.  I think just post in a general way.

Obviously you can mention which release YOU first noticed the issue and
what version you used to use.  That gives a broad spread of several
releases, perhaps even covering several branches, but that can be
narrowed-down later on if required.  The exact time the change happened
might not even be useful at all.  So that is something that can be worked
on while waiting for a response to the general idea.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 14 May 2016 at 12:08, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
Yes, i agree.

It's not worth posting bug-reports against any in the 5.0.x branch now.
Finding the exact release where the change happened is not hugely useful,
especially right now.  It might be useful sometime after the
bug-report/feature-request is opened.

It is always difficult to gather everything that might be useful in the
first post of a bug-report/feature-request.  It is probably better to just
"post early and update often" so keep the initial
bug-report/feature-request really short.  Just a tiny post and maybe even
state "More to follow ..." at the bottom of the post so that any dev or
triager can see that they don't have to type in a request for further info.

There are so many bug-reports that the chances are that you will have been
able to add additional information before anyone gets a chance to read
yours.  As you add information over the next couple of weeks that might
"bump the thread" a bit too try to keep it nearer the top but try to avoid
flagrant abuse of that.  A little use of something sometimes makes a thing
more intriguing where a lot of use becomes a pain.

Many of us stick with the more stable branch so many on this mailing list
may not have moved to the 5.1.x either.  Those who have may well be too
busy to try out someone else's issue just yet.

Also the issue is not causing the program or computer to crash or be
unstable or misbehave in that sort of way so it's not really a "bug" as
such, at least not to the devs ways of thinking.  It's more like a
feature-request, but for something that used to work a certain way and now
works a different way.

So i'd recommend posting an initial feature-request asap, but with minimal
information =  just the main issue.  Stuart has helped pin-point the issue
quite a bit and hopefully that can help you keep the first post really
short and direct.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 14 May 2016 at 09:35, Ady Ady <> wrote:

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:
Hi :)

Thanks for seeking feedback from here before posting a
bug-report/feature-request.  As you know, sometimes a change in
behaviour is
required to consolidate inconsistent behaviour or to smooth out other
coding, or to keep-up with current trends in other, similar(ish)
programs or
happens somewhat unintentionally.  Usually any such changes are noted
in the
change-log, neatly re-written at;

LibreOffice/OpenOffice is over 10 years old and a lot has changed in
time.  Hopefully the newer ways are easy to adapt to and are an
Where that is not the case it's fairly easy to post a bug-report
carefully phrasing it as a feature-request seems to have more chance of
attracting interest.

So, please give it a fair go but feel free to post a
bug-report/feature-request now that you've narrowed it down to being a
change-of-focus issue.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

I am unsure whether I should open a bug report / enhancement request,
considering that I have not tested 5.1.x.

From Stuart's reply, I understood that some things have been changing
in the Startup Screen, and that they are still changing. I would guess
that having a request for enhancement without actually reporting the
behavior of the most current / updated release (5.1.x) would not
attract enough attention and would probably be considered an
incomplete report.

Additionally, the only version from the 5.0.x branch I have tested is, so the (initial) version number in which the behavior changed
would not be accurate (enough).

If I cannot test the current (5.1.x) behavior (because I am not ready
to update yet), how would I report a bug / request an enhancement? I
mean, I could, but it would probably be mostly ignored, wouldn't it?

I think it might be useful, before actually opening a request for
enhancement, if someone could try to replicate the behavior / tests in
the 5.1.x branch and report it here. Also, testing under other OSes
might be relevant too.

With more details and tests from different users under diverse
circumstances / versions, a request for enhancement might be more
relevant and taken more seriously.

Finally, I am still unsure whether this is really a request for
enhancement or rather a bug report with a regression between 4.4.x and
5.0.x, considering that the expected behavior was working correctly in
4.4.x, it is (partially) broken in (and maybe in all the 5.0.x
branch), and I see no advantage from the users' perspective to not
have these shortcuts working from the start. Comments about this
matter would be very welcome.

I hope users can attempt these simple tests and report their results,
including the OS and version information, so a potential bug report /
request for enhancement would be actually worth.


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