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At 16:12 25/04/2016 +0200, Nobody Noname wrote:
my problem was related to DMARC settings of yahoo, yahoo mails are processed in the list but are not sent back to my yahoo address, ...

The mailing list *will* attempt to send you copies of such messages, and it will be Yahoo that declines to receive them for you on the basis of the headers. So not only will you not have been receiving your own messages back but also failing to see messages from other users of Yahoo as well as users of AOL.

... so I'll unsubscribe from yahoo and use this address

Surely it won't be long before your new provider will also refuse to accept messages from Yahoo and AOL addresses that come via the mailing list. (Mine already does.) And more providers will begin to mark outgoing mail in this way (for which they are to be commended, in fact), adding more address domains to the two that are currently not handled correctly.

The solution is for the mailing list to be configured to work around this problem. This can be done in various ways. Can we look forward to this?

Brian Barker

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