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Hi :)
The article is excellent and it's good to see :))

I think there was a misleading bit about the newer MS Office formats
working just fine in LibreOffice/OpenOffice as they do quite often run into

However, i am not sure it's a good thing to note down in an article.  It's
difficult to avoid ranting about vendor lock-in as well as the appearance
of insanities, conspiracies and corruption of the ISO committees and the
way big organisations have apparently been quite happy with MS's failure to
implement their own format.

So i think it's important to use the older MS formats if anyone who needs
to edit a document has got to use MS Office.

MS Office users seem to find it very difficult to use "Save As" and seem to
get hopelessly confused and changing the default really needs an IT
boffin.  Personally i think MS Office is designed to make it all difficult
to understand.  In LibreOffice and OpenOffice it's all quite a lot easier,
of course.

I'm just not sure if it's a good thing to put into an article because it
makes it all look tooo complicated.  Also people tend to learn all that
quite quickly if they ever do give LibreOffice a fair go so maybe just
getting it onto their system is ore important.  At the very least they are
then able to open all the various formats quite easily and in a program
that is designed to do so properly.  ie MS Office for documents in OOXML
(for at least 1 of the various transitional versions) and LibreOffice for
everything else.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 October 2014 20:12, James Knott <> wrote:

This could be useful to users of both LibreOffice and OpenOffice.

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