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LO 4.2 and 4.3 series on Opensuse 13.1 and Xubuntu 12.04

I am presently attempting to move some users from XP to Linux on our peer-to-peer network, but have hit a problem with Libreoffice and access to files on other networked machines.
When using LO on Windows XP, the file-open dialogue shows a 'Network 
places' icon and users can access files on other machines without a 
problem. I am trying to ensure that they get an equivalent experience 
when using LO on Linux.
However, the file-open dialogues of LO on the different Linux 
distributions I've tried do not show network shares on either Windows 
machines or Linux machines running Samba, and so users do not have the 
same experience that they have been used to on Windows XP. If I use the 
Kate text editor, which does provide a network icon in the file-open 
dialogue, there's no problem accessing files on the same shares.
I know that if we access the files on the network shares using 
dolphin/nautilus, then subsequently that network location appears in the 
LO file-open dialogue. However, I'd rather not require our users to do 
that before they can use the wordprocessing facilities; I simply want 
the same file-open dialogue on Linux LO that they had on Windows XP LO 
and MS Office.
Is this possible?

John King

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