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Hi :)
Yeh, there are things that would be good to get fixed.

I'm one of the lucky people who have never found any deal-breakers but that
might partly be because most of my machines dual-boot and have both MSO and
LO on the Windows side.  I'm hoping that we never need to buy any new
versions of MSO but the idea of migrating away from vendor-lockins still
hasn't quite reached certain critical people in my company.

Anyone here is probably more than capable of joining the QA Team to help
triage fresh bug-reports and help them with administration/office-work.

Some people here are probably capable of joining the devs to learn how to
code through doing some of the "Easy Hacks" and maybe learn some
programming theory online or at a local college while doing real-world
practical cases (the "Easy Hacks") at the same time.  Others maybe already
know some coding theory and just a few "Easy Hacks" and mentoring from
existing devs might be enough to regain lost skills or bolster existing
ones or help move into a new coding language.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 August 2014 13:57, Tanstaafl <> wrote:

On 8/26/2014 7:49 AM, Pedro <> wrote:

There WILL be a 4.2.7 version. It is scheduled for late October

People have to hang on to the 4.2 branch until 4.3 reaches stability from
regressions/bugs added (by 4.3.4?)

Or some people have to hang on to the oldest 4/1 branch because the entire
4.2 branch (as well as the current 4.3 release - although the bug has
apparently been fixed so the fix *might* (hopefully!) appear in the next
4.3 release) still suffers from a deal breaker bug (inability to paste into
Input fields)...

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