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Hi all,
Le 01/08/2014 04:15, NoOp a écrit :
On 07/31/2014 03:26 AM, Pedro wrote:
The problem is that it is difficult to find a word that explains that one
version is new (with new features/bugs/regressions) and the other one has
been patched so that new features are already stable.

If you call Stable to the patched branch (and calling it Patched doesn't
sound very nice either) seems to imply that the other branch (now called
Fresh) isn't stable in the sense that it will crash and be unusable...

There was a proposal to call the (previously named Stable and now named
Still) branch as Mature. But since that word is currently associated with
some sexual preference/deviation, it was dropped in favor of Still.
I search the discuss list to see if I could find where this proposal
took place, but failed to find anything. The only relevent post I found
was the one you made in 2012:
(Which version to get?)
So if you can kindly point me to the correct list to view the proposal &
discussion I'd be grateful.
The discussion happened on the private marketing list. This list is not
secret but kept private because this is where PR are prepared and are
under embargo until the release, however translators need to have them
Charles explains the choice that was made in his blog here
If you want to give your feedback and make other proposals, please make
them on the marketing list to reach the marketing team.

Kind regards

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