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I've run into problems converting from MS Excel .xls files to Open
Document .ods files. I want to use the localc -convert-to in command
line, so that the resulting document looks exactly the same when I
open the .xls file by hand, and click on Save As.

I thought, that this should do the job
localc -convert-to ods sani.xls

1) First problem is that the resulting file is many times bigger than
the "Save As" method. During the process, it also says that:

Warning: at xsl:stylesheet on line 2 of
  Running an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet with an XSLT 2.0 processor

I found out that the resulting file is almost identical to file from
"Save As > .fods". So I (also by the message) conclude, that flat xml
format is used, where it should not be. (I think that specifiing a
filter name in -convert-to ods:"Magic Open Document Filter Name" could
work, but I could not find no list of filters).

2) Secondly, I noticed that the resulting (from localc -convert-to)
.ods (.fods) files have different range of visible cells. In original
.xls document (and in the Save As version) the "active cells" are
limited to first, say, 12 columns and 70 rows, whereas the converted
files show rows up to infinity. (the content is the same, size of
columns as well).

By diffing the Save As > .fods and -convert-to fods (= -convert-to
ods), I noticed that the files are almost the same, except for some
view tags that look like this:
<config:config-item-map-indexed config:name="Views">...

Is it possible to include this "view tags" in the console version to
achieve really exactly the same effect as the Save As method?

Thank very much for any help!

Joe M.

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