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On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:54:26 +0100
Susanto Kong <> wrote:

I am using LibreOffice Writer and my computer crash and restart.
After rebooting, LibreOffice failed to reconstruct the file.
This file itself is still exist and from the file size, I suspect the data
is still there (only 4k). The file itself contains mostly table with
special characters (greek and mathematical notations).

Is there anyway to reconstruct this file, even partial result.

Help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

What is the used file format? Did you save it in the ODF format
(like .odt, .ods, .odp...) or is it in one of the Microsoft formats?

If it is in the ODF format, you should make a copy of the file,
rename it to .zip and then try to open it with any archive manager
you like. Your text will be in the file called "content.xml". You can
open this file and copy everything into a new document. 

If it is in the Microsoft formats, than I'm afraid, but you've lost
the work and have to recreate it from scratch. (At least, I don't
know of a way to recover some information from those files). 

Good luck. 


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