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Hi :)

Grrr, this does seem to happen in LibreOffice occasionally.  It's not just you 
and probably nothing to do with the updates in KDE either.  I can't remember how 
to solve it but it's in one of the messy threads if you are able to search 
them?  I think it's something to do with 

Tools - Options - "Language Settings"
and then both the "Languages" and "Writing Aids" have settings you need to 
re-set (hopefully just once more).

The chap that knows most about this is likely to be on-line a little later and 
might be able to help better.  There is probably a bug-report about it already
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Mark Stanton <>
Sent: Fri, 22 July, 2011 20:36:24
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Given up spellchecking?

Writer seems to have stopped spellchecking, even though I have the 
standard dictionary set correctly (I think, to English -UK), and all 
the other language options I can find being set correctly, and in 
fact set the same way as before it (recently) stopped spell checking.

A "manual" spell check finds no errors whatsoever (I've put some in, 
to make sure), there are no words underlined in red to indicate 
misspelling, and if I put in an incorrectly spelled word, LO doesn't 

More than that, each time I access the dialog (sic :-) ) to set the 
hyphenating, it presents itself as "English (USA)", however many 
times I set it to "English (UK)".

This is LO 3.3.2, under Fedora (15).
It was working until very recently.  A large proportion of KDE has 
updated in the last couple of days, but I don't see that this should 
have a bearing on this part of LO.

Any ideas?

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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