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you have written exactly my thought :)
I agree without reservation.

Dne 17.7.2011 0:50, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions napsal(a):

Would you really want someone else to decide what is best for your system?

How about the question - if the next update has issues and you did not
have a say when and if you are to update your system with that update?

I use Ubuntu and I have the system check for the updates - automatically
- but I choose what updates I will install and when.

I would love for LibreOffice to notify me of an update, but I do not
want it to do the updating for me.

Actually a few weeks ago, I had Thunderbird crash and burn when it was
updated - semi-automatically. I had to do a lot of work to get it
working again. I do not want to go through that type of thing again.

Next question is what if the update file is corrupted during download or
something goes wrong during the updating process?

I may be paranoid about this issue, but I have had some bad experiences
when my choices were limited or taken from me.

Actually with the "full install method" instead of auto-updating, I can
decide which version to install, or kept installed, until I change my mind.

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