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        You can do it like this:

1) Select two columns and all rows that you need format.
2) Select Menu-Format-Conditional Format
3) Make the format that you need
4) Accept

        I know that this conditional format is for all area selected and it
didn't show a special cell formula o condition... It looks transparent.


Jorge Rodríguez

El mié, 13-07-2011 a las 21:04 +0200, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) escribió:
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the answer, and sorry for the belated reply, however it
doesn't work using LibreOffice 3.3.1
OOO330m19 (Build:8)
tag libreoffice- On OpenSuse 11.0

You are quite correct that the conditional formulae are copied too,
however the formulae still refer to the same cell references given in
the copied cell.

In other words if you copied cell C3 and pasted special on C4:c10, the
conditional formatting would be copied but the cell references in cell
C10 for the conditional formatting would point to the same cell as those
referenced in cell C3.

Please confirm if this is the case.

Hylton is a Lions Club member of Lions Club of Fish Hoek (District 410A) being part of the worlds largest NGO


Jorge Rodríguez

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