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As Regina pointed out, the case of mixed number and text values in a comparison is defined by the 
implementation so that numbers are less than text (though that is surprising).  That is, the result 
is as-designed, and this is consistent with the applications that LibreOffice provides 
compatibility with.

For ODF 1.2 OpenFormula, if that is being used, the result is also implementation-defined.

There is a precedent for the odd result.  In some contexts, when there is a text and a number, the 
number is converted to text and a text comparison is made.  In the example given, that would also 
have the indicated result.  If the principle were to convert the text to a number, one would expect 
an Error Value because 'A' is not a valid expression for a number.

In any case, once a practice is established (how long have and LibreOffice Calc been 
doing this?), that becomes a case that some have already worked around.  If the practice were 
changed, those existing calculations could be invalidated (unless the solution is to produce an 
Error Value).

So, to be concrete: Is the request here that 'A'>10 produce an Error Value?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: John B [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 16:02
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Error in Calc logical functions

Hello Brian

Its none of those, they are not comparable,  Ones a text the other is an 
amount. Therefore A logically is not greater than 10 stands (I hope)!

As stated, I used Lotus 123 as my Judge and Jury.

John B

Ps who is John Bonly?


On 12/07/2011 23:43, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:25 12/07/2011 +0100, John Bonly wrote:
I can repeat this:- and therefore it is actually very wrong, A is not 
greater than 10, hence it should read False

If you think "A is not greater than 10", do you think it is less than 
10 or equal to 10?


Brian Barker

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