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On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure
<> wrote:
Le 09/07/2011 04:09, MR ZenWiz a écrit :
I recently upgraded to LO 3.4.0 and I noticed a few days ago that the
Find command no longer works the way it used to, or even at all.

Please have a look at

Thanks, but that is the worst excuse for a change that breaks the
interface I have ever seen - to be more compatible with web
browsers???  An office suite?

Come on, that's just lame.

If that's the justification, why isn't find-and-replace <ctl>h, as in
Word 97?  At least that was an office product, not a web browser.

This is just my opinion, but the change is just plain wrong.  This is
one of the reasons why major software modifications fail so miserably
- you don't break an existing interface that is ubiquitous.  Look at
what happened with Office 2007/2010 (before MS put all that money into
pushing the new ribbon interface that really sucks, or Vista (vs. XP),

Just plain wrong.

What makes this worse is that, AFAICT, the new find bar doesn't work
either, and it doesn't show up at the bottom of the window, it's a
teeny little toolbar smushed into the right end of another one that is
virtually invisible unless I search for it.


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