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Yes, exactly.

Office must do something special for the MIME-type associations, I was hoping LibreOffice did 
something similar.


On 2011-06-28, at 8:20 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

Still clarifying my understanding:

The files are being uploaded to a server via browser uploading?

Hmm.  Somewhere back around Windows 98 I remember MIME-type associations in the File Associations 
dialog, but I haven't seen them in any recent systems.

So the question is, how can one control the MIME type of a file that is uploaded.

I rummaged around on the Internet and I couldn't find much.  This may be helpful:


There's more here specifically on how IE determines the MIME type for an upload:

- Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Long [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 16:44
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice and Microsoft Office files - MIME type problem

Yes, that's correct, the files are being uploaded as .doc, .xls, etc but Microsoft Office isn't 
installed on the machines that are uploading the files, just LibreOffice.

Internet Explorer can't figure out the MIME type to send to the server when submitting the form, 
so it just sends application/octet-stream.

If Office is installed on a machine that uploads the same files, IE does send the correct MIME 

I guess there isn't an option in LibreOffice to associate the .doc, .xls MIME types as MS Office 


On 2011-06-28, at 7:37 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

Oh wait, these are being uploaded as .doc, .xls, and .ppt but those apps aren't on the machine 
where the downloading is happening.  Is that the case?

Hmm.  Sounds like what's missing is some sort of browser helper.  And LibreOffice is registered 
as the application that opens .doc, .xls, and .ppt files?  

Still, it would be useful to see if this improves if the MIME types for those Microsoft formats 
were delivered by the server.  It may be that Microsoft Office compensates for this problem when 
it is installed.  We'll know that if getting the server to use the correct MIME types doesn't 

- Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 16:33
To: ''
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice and Microsoft Office files - MIME type problem

This is a common problem with web servers.  

Browsers don't set the MIME type, they receive it in the response from the Web Server, along 
with the resource itself.  It is likely that the Web server is not set up to recognize that 
various file-name extensions correspond to specific MIME types and so a default is being used.  
application/octet-stream is the safest default.

There's a secondary problem with regard to being able to *open* LibreOffice documents that are 
downloaded by a browser.  That has to do with associating the MIME type with an application on 
the receiving computer.  But first, you need the correct MIME type from the server.

The only way around, depending on how the file is downloaded, is to store it without opening it 
and then renaming it so it can be opened properly.  Not something your average user will deal 
with (especially if they don't have file exensions being show in Windows Explorer).

Most web servers have a way to be told what MIME type to attribute to particular filename 
extensions.  Someone needs to arrange with an administrator of the web site to set that up.

- Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: planas [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 15:11
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice and Microsoft Office files - MIME type problem


On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 10:01 -0400, Ian Long wrote:


I have looked for a solution to an issue I am seeing, but without any luck - hopefully someone 
has seen this before and can provide a workaround.

A client  is using LibreOffice on Windows XP PCs, running IE8.  They use LO to save in the 
Microsoft formats (.doc, .xls, etc) which is working fine.

However, when they try to upload one of those files to web servers, the MIME type of those 
files is always reported as 'application/octect-stream', rather than
the real mime type - IE can't figure out the type as it would if Office was installed.

This also affects files that weren't created by LO, such as ones that were sent via email, that 
were created in Microsoft Office.

Is there a way to register some type of LO handler with Windows so that the file types are 
properly recognized?

Thanks in advance,

If the MSO document is uploaded directly to the server without being
opened in LO does your client have the same problem? I just want to
clarify if it is a problem with LO or possibly somewhere else. 

Do other browsers report the same problem when used or access the page?

Also, what version of LO are they using?

Jay Lozier

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