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Johnny Rosenberg <> writes:

2011/6/5 Nuzhna Pomoshch <>:
--- On Sat, 5/28/11, Johnny Rosenberg <> wrote:

3. How do I get hidden ("dot" directories) to
appear in the open and save dialog boxes (they
appear in all of the window manager dialog

On my system they appear.

At Tools → Options → LibreOffice → General, the
option ”☐ Use LibreOffice dialogue boxes” (or
something like that; I run LibreOffice in
Swedish) is unchecked. I don't remember if I
unchecked> it or if it's unchecked by default,

I don't have any option like that at all. Just
a few things (under LibreOffice / General) for
"help" (enabling tips and help agent), "document
status" (whether printing sets the "document
modified" status), and how to handle a two digit

Okay, I just started LibreOffice with English GUI, to make sure to get
it right. On my system it is:
Tools → Options… → LibreOffice → General → Open/Save dialogs → ☐ Use
LibreOffice dialogs
I have it unticked.

”Open/Save dialogs” is between ”Help” and ”Document status”.

This probably depends on compile options. I don't know if the OP is
using the official binaries or a modified version.

Here I don't see that option with my compiled libreoffice install (the
package manager flags include, among others, -gnome -gtk -kde),

  LibreOffice 3.3.2 
  OOO330m19 (Build:202)
  tag libreoffice-

But I see it in another computer where I installed the binary version of
libreoffice (it uses the official binaries, AFAIK),

  LibreOffice 3.3.1
  OOO330m19 (Build:8)
  tag libreoffice-

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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