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on WIN XP i had installed LO 3.4.0. and there occured this problem:

I have several files
- Comp1report.ods with sheets Data,Param,report
- Comp2report.ods with sheets Data,Param,report
- Comp3report.ods with sheets Data,Param,report

(each file has a range A1:E30 named as "Report" in the "report" sheet)

- Companies.ods with sheets C1,C2,C3,Group

In Companies.ods I have named ranges C1Report in C1 sheet, C2Report in C2 sheet, C3Report in C3 sheet

I used to select the range "Report" in the "report" sheet of the Comp1report.ods file by expanding the select box, then CTRL+C,
then switched to Companies.ods, selected the proper range C1Report
to delete the old contents and pasted as unformated text.

In 3.4.0. when Companies.ods and Comp1report.ods are open the names of named ranges of Companies.ods disappeared and only a range named "Report" (which is in the other file) is displayed in the select box. After closing the files and reopening Companies.ods the range names appeared again in the select box correctly.

I had to uninstall 3.4.0 and reinstal 3.3.2 due another problem with linking to external .ods files (which bug I am not able to describe with my poor english). Again I had a problem with renamed linked sheet - when I need to repair link to some external sheet I can only choose the filename but not the sheet.

Best regards,

Ing. Jiří Hladůvka
OBUTEX spol. s r.o.
EU Slovakia

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