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Hi :)

The "Insert>Images etc" refers to the menus at the top of the Writer window.  
Note that the menus at the top are
File   Edit    View    Insert    ....    Help  
So click on the Insert menu.  The menu drops down and contains similar items 
grouped together rather than being alphabetical.  The various "Picture" (or 
"Image" in other releases and Word i guess) are near the bottom.  "Object" just 
below it is for video or sound.  If you select "Picture" then a sub-menu appears 
offering "From File" or "Scan ...".  The "Scan ... " option is for 
scanner/printers so you probably want the "From file" choice.  A 'pop-up' 
'dialogue box' will appear so that you can navigate to the picture/image you 
want to include.

Some of the terms are quite geeky but if you follow the instructions then you 
will quickly understand what they mean.  

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Lynn Wilde <>
Sent: Mon, 6 June, 2011 8:19:26
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Multuple rules/conditions to range of cells

Thank you so much, Jean-Francois.  The only information given about joining  

was that I could post a question, nothing was said about receiving  e-mails of 

every question posted.  If that had been made clear, I would  not have joined.

Your answer to my question, I'm afraid, makes no sense  to me because I do not 

know where I should look for "Insert>Images,  etc."  original MS Word document 

the one I copied to Libre  Office?  With the  original document, as I changed 
picture sizes,  the whole document reformatted to accommodate changes.  In the 

Lib. Off  one I have only black boxes with red lettering inside showing some 

of  designation for each picture.  Can you clarify your response considering  

above information?   Often I have problems with help because the  helpers 

I have more technical knowledge than I do.  I'm just a  retired teacher who 

e-mail, writes with WORD and does web  searches.  I have no technical computer 


From:  Jean-Francois Nifenecker <>
Sent: Sun, June  5, 2011 10:59:33 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Multuple  rules/conditions to range of cells

Le 06/06/2011 07:32, Lynn Wilde a  écrit :
I don't know why I got this e-mail.  Please don't send me  such
e-mails again.

You get the emails from this list because you  decided to subscribe :)

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there, just in case.

Now, back to your  question...

I do have a question.  I copied a book  that I wrote with MS Word on
to LibreOffice, but none of the pictures  transferred, only boxes
where the pictures would be.  The computer  on which I wrote the
document ran Win XP Home Edition. I transferred all  my files to this
new computer, runs Win 7, downloaded LibreOffice and  copied and
pasted the book to  LibreOffice.  No  pictures.  Much frustration as
there are many pictures.   What's the fix?  Or, will someone fix this
problem in  LibreOffice.  It must be a common one. Lynn

Embedding  images within a document can be made under two options:

1. The images are  actually made part of the document, causing it to get bigger 

and bigger,  according to the images size. The advantage being that you've got 

all-in-one item that is easy to carry along.

2. They can be just  *linked* to the document. This way, the document size 
remains small. The  drawback is that you have to carry the whole lot (document 

images)  together everytime you want to move things around.

Now for two new  questions...

-- How do we opt for 1.or 2.?

Look at the Insert >  Images > From file dialog. You'll notice there's a 

saying  something like "Insert as link" (not sure about the English phrasing as 

I'm  using a French version). Make sure it is UNchecked to embed the images 
within the document.

Note that this checkbox state is saved from a  session to another. This can 

to some "strange" behaviour if it was  (un)checked by mistake once.

If the images size is not gigantic, I'd  suggest embedding them within the 

-- What if the images  are simply linked and you want to store them in the 

Go to  the Edit > Links dialog, select the images (multi selection is possible) 

and click the "Unlink" button (once again, I'm not sure about the exact  

of the button but you get the idea). Wait a few moments and you're  done. 

Hope this helps,
-- Jean-Francois Nifenecker,  Bordeaux

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