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On 05/25/2011 04:32 PM, plino wrote:
Hi Gary

I don't have a link for it - M. Henri Day sent it to me directly. But
I'll be happy to email it to you if you'd like. Note: I had to do
considerable timing adjustments to get it to sync with the external .wav
file in order to get it to work in OOo with gstreamer.

I meant upload it somewhere and send me the link :)
But email is fine.

I'm a Windows user so I hope it will be considerably easier to handle the
pps ;)


I'd rather not put it up on a link so sending to you directly. That
said, it plays just fine in Powerpoint so no issues there at all. What I
meant by getting it to play in OOo w/gstreamer is that I had to sync the
extracted wav to OOo (and LO as I've also converted to that as well).
OOo/LO doesn't embed the wav file, so you need to have an external wav
file then spend time sync'ing the slide captions & transitions to the
wav as each slide progresses... a real PITA. You need to do the same on
Windows, the only difference is that linux uses gstreamer (what a god
send compared to the Sun "solution") and Win uses mediaplayer or such.

You can take the pps & then extract to view the jpg's in the
presentation per the instructions from the original post. Were LO to use
the original jpg files from the pps (or convert them to png's properly)
I suspect that the .odt would be close to the original pps.


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