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On 05/24/2011 04:13 AM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
The odt files are basically zip files, so you can unzip them to see 
the contents. 

The LO has a lot more files in it the the MSO one.
Back in 2009 I was doing some comparisons between OOo Impress and MS
Powerpoint. The MS Powerpoint ,pps was a slideshow with a wav sound file
& was/is (I still have it) 4.4MB including the sound 622.5KB wav file,
buttons, backrounds etc. Then saving that file as an .odp resulted in a
15.7MB .odp. So I extracted the .pps files[1] and did a comparison on
the image files from the .pps and the .odt image files.

Comparing one slide in the .pps against the .odt:

slide0026_background.jpg = 19.4KB
slide0026_image007.jpg = 41.7KB
Total = 61.1KB

.odt (same slide)
10000000000002E4000002276EE6BF31.png = 467KB
(I assume this to be the 'background' file, as the next file contains
the same image with the text written to the slide)
img3.png = 263.5KB
Total = 730.5KB

Note that OOo converted the 41.7KB jpg from the .pps to .png. An ~11.9:1
increase in the slide images are what caused the bulk of the .odp size.
All together 15.6MB for the .odp png's + 1 wav file of 363 bytes.

I've not bothered to build an later OOo or LO presentation from those
files so the information may no longer be valid. But, it is clear that
OOo/LO could use some 'fine tuning' in the file size/image
compression/conversion area - at least with respect to Impress. If I get
time & if it is interest to anyone I can just build a 1 slide Impress
presentation using the extracted .ppt jpg & compare. I've only MS Office
2003 on a virtual machine, so I wouldn't be able to test with anything
later in that department.


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