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On 5/23/2011 at 8:36 PM NoOp wrote:

|On 05/23/2011 07:28 AM, Mike. wrote:
|> On 5/22/2011 at 12:03 PM NoOp wrote:
|> |Have you tried adjusting those? One you get it so everything lines
|> |you can save the settings. Note: it could be that your printer is
|> of
|> |alignment; you might try using your printer utilities to ensure
|> |everything is aligned. What model of printer?
|>  =============
|> The printer (HP LaserJet 5P) is properly aligned.   Printing
|> used to work fine in OpenOffice 3.1.  The problem occurred around
|> OpenOffice 3.2 and continues in Libreoffice 3.3.   The printer works
|> fine for every other print job I have used it for.  It is only
|> printing in Libreoffice 3.3 that has issues.
|> If I move the left printing margin by 1.3 inches. the envelope
|> properly, but then it does not render properly on the diaplay.
|Can you try modifying the Envelope style as I mentioned in my other
|post? If that works, then we might have something that we can take to
|the bug reports. This is from my other post:
|> OK. I found that #6 3/4 (Personal) Envelope printed the Sender and
|> Addressee about 1" to the right of where they should be (opposite
|> of being too far to the left. So I opened the Envelope Style and
|> that it was set to C6/5 Envelope. I changed it to #6 3/4 (Personal)
|> Envelope and adjusted the margins to 0.25" (Left, Right, Top,
Bottom). I
|> then 'Insert|Envelope|' and set that to #6 3/4 (Personal) Envelope &
|> printed. The page now prints in the correct positions.

That did not work.  The printing was still too far to the left and off
the left edge of the envelope.

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