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Hi Tom, all, 

On Wed, 25 May 2011 15:56:47 +0100 (BST)
Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I think a lot of the Extension's devs haven't yet made them available for 
LibreOffice.  Apparently most/many/some of the OpenOffice ones work if you can 
find them but if you could contact the devs of your favourite Extensions then 
they would probably be quite keen to add them to LibreOffice's collection.  I 
have a feeling that it's usually pretty easy for the dev's of a particular 
Extension to add it to LibreOffice's lists but just requires remembering (or 
being nudged into remembering) to do it.  I doubt that it's possible to do them 
all from the LibreOffice's end otherwise it would probably have been done 
"en-masse" already.

I think the reason for not having those extensions transferred "automatically" was due to licensing 
reasons. I think I remember, that LibO only wants to have truly open extensions. But I can be 
wrong. :) 

However i think there is already at least one that deals with importing Pdfs so 
a search might help.  I have one called "PDF Import 1.0.4" which has a big 
Oracle logo/icon rather than the sleek elegant LibreOffice or TDF style of 
logos.  It opens Pdfs in Draw rather than Writer & so i can't edit text with it 
(afaik).  I can move around blocks of text, pictures and stuff and i think i can 
add blocks of text or pictures too.  I have a funny feeling that i probably 
didn't need the extension at all as i seem to remember PDF import being added to 
the main package recently.  

That's the default behaviour. PDF is a format to describe a graphical layout of a document. And for 
graphics, Draw is the correct component. It is not meant to edit a file extensively. You can add a 
few lines of text in a form (I did this just last week) and it works well. If you need to change 
the whole text, just ask the original creator for a editable file. 


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