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On 5/22/2011 at 12:03 PM NoOp wrote:

|On 05/21/2011 08:42 AM, Mike. wrote:
|> On 5/19/2011 at 3:41 PM NoOp wrote:
|> |I'm not sure why, but please check |Insert|Envelope|Format and see
|> |the settings are (these are in inches):
|> |
|> |Addressee
|> |Position
|> |  from left: 3.25"
|> |  from top: 1.81"
|> |Sender
|> |Position
|> |  from left: 0.39"
|> |  from top: 0.39"
|> |Size
|> |  Format: #6 3/4 (Personal) Envelope
|> |  Width: 6.50"
|> |  Height: 3.63"
|> |
|> |If those are the settings, then you can adjust manually if
|> |
|>  =============
|> Thanks for the reply.
|> The settings you note above are the settings I see here.
|> The envelope renders properly on the display, i.e., the Addressee
|> Sender fields are in the correct spots on the envelope.
|> However, somewhere in the process of sending the envelope to the
|> printer the rendering changes and the fields are printed in the
|> areas on the envelope.
|Have you tried adjusting those? One you get it so everything lines up
|you can save the settings. Note: it could be that your printer is out
|alignment; you might try using your printer utilities to ensure that
|everything is aligned. What model of printer?

The printer (HP LaserJet 5P) is properly aligned.   Printing envelopes
used to work fine in OpenOffice 3.1.  The problem occurred around
OpenOffice 3.2 and continues in Libreoffice 3.3.   The printer works
fine for every other print job I have used it for.  It is only envelope
printing in Libreoffice 3.3 that has issues.

If I move the left printing margin by 1.3 inches. the envelope prints
properly, but then it does not render properly on the diaplay.

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