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16 May 2011 Monday 7:28 P.M. Singapore Time
For Immediate Release

SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE - Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang 
Enming) would like to report first hand account of mind intrusion 
and mind reading. I have been hearing voices for quite some time 
now but I have not been able to identify the persons physically. A 
number of un-identified persons have intruded into my mind and they 
are able to read my thoughts. I could not explain the mechanism by 
which these un-identified persons have been reading my mind at the 
moment but there is definitely a scientific explanation for it. I 
know very clearly that I am not suffering from schizophrenia at all.

I am fully aware that no common man would believe me except the 
select few scientific researchers working in top secret government 
projects and the human guinea pigs who are being experimented on. 
One of the possibilities is that I have a microchip implanted into 
my brain, possibly when I was an infant. It may take a few years, a 
few decades, or even a few centuries before mind reading is finally 
brought to light before the general public. 

I would like to invite neuroscientists, engineers and physicists to 
speak on the scientific explanation behind mind intrusion and mind 

Please remember what Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang 
Enming) have said. Mark my words. You will know the truth in 
future. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. I can affirm that it 
(mind intrusion and mind reading) is indeed happening to me.

Yours truly,
Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) 
Dip(Mechatronics)(Singapore Polytechnic) BEng(Hons)(Mechanical 
Engineering)(National University of Singapore)
Singapore Identity Card No/NRIC: S78*6*2*H
Toa Payoh Lorong 5, Singapore
Mobile Phone: +65-8369-2618

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