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Wow, a lot of feedback for one weekend. Thanks everybody.

Jean: "I'll expand upon my previous answer. Don't use Left Page/Right Page
the only difference is that margins are mirrored and the info in headers
and/or footers is different. Use a mirrored page style instead. Then the
lefts and rights will take care of themselves when they follow a first
page style. You can set the First Page style to be "left and right" (it
defaults to right only)."

Thanks Jean. Who would have thought it was so simple! That's exactly what I
was looking for.


Tom: "... Have you considered using Desk Top Publishing  programs such as
Scribus? ... "

For typesetting that might be worth a try, but writing a 500-page book in
Scribus would be pretty painful, I think. In the past, I would have used MS
Word. As Jean said, most publishers / editors want either MS Word or PDF.
This is also one of my reasons for not using LaTeX: it's to difficult to
convert it to Word documents if publishers would ask for it.

But luckily I'm writing something for an academic publisher and, since they
don't have large profit margins, they want writers to deliver camera-ready
copies. (Well, 'luckily', it would be nicer if they would have typeset the
whole thing for me.) This means they don't care what program I use, as long
as it produces something that looks identical to all other books in the


Krackedpress: "Well, LibreOffice can certainly save the work in Word .doc or
Adobe .pdf
file formats."

Jay: "I have to sometimes submit MS Word format to people and what I do is
save the document as both DOC and ODT. I use ODT as the primary and save
to DOC when I need to submit it. A few people actually know I am not
using Word but LO because they know my primary OS is Linux and they have
never reported a problem."

I assumed that outputting to .doc is not without its problems, especially if
your document contains complicated tables. I've had all kinds of problems
importing Word into LibreOffice, and I assumed it would be the same the
other way around.



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