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I recently switched from OO 3.2 to LibreOffice 3.3 (Ubuntu Linux).
I use the Word 97/2000 format for interoperability with others.

Nearly everything seems to work more or less as before.

There is one annoying difference: before, when I saved a document in Web layout and then reopened it, it stayed in Web layout (or am I dreaming?). Now, when I save it in Web layout and reopen it, it reverts to Print layout. The issue does not occur if I use the .odt format, just the .doc format.

Anything that I can do about this?

I would be happy, for example, to simply fix "Web layout" as the default view for all documents. Indeed I really don't know why LibreOffice doesn't do this anyway - you are able to see so much more on the screen!

- any help gratefully received,

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