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On 2011-02-16 5:12 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2011-02-16 3:05 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2011-02-12 10:11 PM, Alan Shore wrote:
ICON is beautiful,I agree!

I completely and totally disagree, at least for Windows XP...

1. The Quickstarter icon is just a plain/blank white, with a tiny arrow
or something in the top right corner

2. The document icons did not change, they are the old ones I had to
manually fix up when Openoffice 3.2.1 removed the colorized icons...

Ok, this is weird... I left my desk for an hour or so, and when I came
back the icons had changed... I guess Explorer needed a refresh or

But... the Quickstarter is still just plain white - how can I change it?

You're arguing apples vs. oranges here - the subject is "First
impressions of LibreOffice 3.3.1 RC1 (Debian amd64 squeeze)" and you
are running Windows.

Stop picking nits... my comment was in reply to the ICONS.. which look
the same (or are *supposed* to look the same) on all platforms.

That said, I don't know if you can change the notification tray icons
at all.  Look at the properties of the application and see if there is
an icon change option.  I don't remember ever seeing one, but I miss
things, too.

You can change it - to any one of 5 or 6 different totally white/blank

Anyway, I still really don't care for these 'new' icons much - they look
too cartoonish to me...


Best regards,


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