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On 02/05/2011 11:36 PM, Stefan Weigel wrote:
Hi again,

Am 06.02.2011 02:07, schrieb NoOp:
On 02/05/2011 01:46 PM, Raffaele Mancuso wrote:

Not supported:

    * Native PDF forms
    * Proper paragraphs
    * Processing layout of LaTeX PDF
    * Import of complex vector graphics elements
    * Conversion of tables
    * Import of EPS graphics
    * RTL (right-to-left) text/font support
I know that doesn't help... but apparently it is what it is.

Does this disclaimer also cover the problem, that in many cases you
get each single character as a separate object? I donĀ“t think so.

Stephan, I wasn't defending the extension issues... I filed the issue of
not being able to import EPS graphics back in 2008:
[* Summary:     PDF Import not importing eps graphic]

I also don't use the extension for anything serious - such as filling
out forms:

I was merely pointing out that the extension has limitations.

This makes it practically impossible to just do a minor rephrasing
of the text, which would be a very common task:

No argument there. As I said "but apparently it is what it is."

File a bug and/or:
"To further improve this extension, please continue sending us feedback

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