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I've been having an intermittent problem with copying text from other
applications into LibreOffice.  The problem has happened on my home and work
computers running Windows 7, but I am unable to consistently reproduce the
issue.  In short, sometimes when I try to paste text from another
application such as Notepad or Firefox into a LO Writer document, instead of
pasting that text it pastes a cell or cells that I previously copied from LO
Calc.  Here's an example that I reproduced three times today before it quit

Created a spreadsheet.
Put text in cell A1.  Copied it and pasted one at a time into cells A2:A6.
Copied some text from Notepad.
Pasted into a Writer doc.
Result: The cell from the spreadsheet was pasted instead of the text from

If I completely exit LO including the quick starter, after restarting the
problem seems to go away for a while.  I think that's why the problem
stopped today.

Certainly this isn't expected behavior, is it?  I noticed this in LO before
the 3.3 release, but since I couldn't reproduce it consistently I didn't
notice it and figured that the problem had been found and fixed.  I was

 I could not find a bug entry that sounds like this.  Any ideas or

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