minutes of ESC call ...

* Attendees:
    + Stephan, Caolan, Andras, Bjoern, Norbert, Kohei, Miklos,
      Ptyl, Michael M, Robinson, Michael S, Noel, Jan-Marek

* Completed Action Items:
    + get Samuel Mehrbrot access again (Michael)
    + get phone bits sorted out with Florian (Michael)
    + setup a LiMux / gcc 4.6 based tinderbox (Jmux)
    + send Jmux some tinderbox pointers (Norbert)

* Pending Action Items:
    + Ask Bjoern to do a survey on the wrench icons (Mirek)
    + blog about the sad realities of web plugins (Bjoern)
        [ writing it right now ]
    + open-source newer Synezip tests (Umesh)
        [ Plan to run these on a server on the cloud service,
          announce the results in the ESC meeting. ]
    + provide wiki links for new processes for design interation (Mirek)
    + poke Alex wrt. off-site backup for TDF services (Cloph)

* Release Engineering update (Robinson)
    + Cloph on vacation until next week
    + 4.3.2 release
        + released, and going well.
        + Bjoern re-introduced mergelibs for 4.3.2
            + enabled for 4.3.1 without a patch, we need
              other libs in mergelibs to avoid circular deps.
            + some interesting bug reports wrt. dbtools moving
              into mergelibs etc.
            + anyone interested in investigating ?
            + mergelibs works nicely from 4.0.x -> 4.2.x
                startup time is visibily faster with it.
                compressed pkg is 1Mb smaller too ...
            + bug is:
                # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84315
    + 4.3.3 RC1 - October 6th - week 41
    + 4.2.7 - due in week 40 - 29th Sept freeze.
    + credits: Tor not listed - why ? (for Cloph)
    + Android Remote

* Gerrit patch review / backlog (Thorsten)
    + looks like there are lots of un-reviewed patches.
AI: + everyone review one patch (All)

* Crashtest update (Miklos)
    + http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/crashtest/051b29e1025253f35f87a04e297760aa8b40611f/
    + a run during the conference, detected some writerfilter issues, now mostly fixed.
    + bug around the conference
         + took crashers to 200, Miklos fixed it to 2000 instead
             + but now back to normal
             + RTF: zero crashers & low for docx / doc.
AI: + look at Excel threaded loading issue (Michael)
         + 6x documents affected.
    + crashers are with debugging enabled & a ton of asserts (Caolan)

* Hackfests (Robinson)
    + Seattle 'Libre-Fest' (Robinson)
        + October 26, 2014
        + Bug-triaging/Intro-to-community event
        + Following SeaGL conference
        + definite interest, heard back from some professors from the security lab
        + want to meet Norbert and/or Kohei and/or Bjoern - why not go ?
    + Toulouse Hackfest ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Toulouse2014
    + Munich hack-fest (Jan-Marek):
        + jmux (IRC) can add you if you don't want to create an account
        + will have a BSP come-together; if someone says they're coming
          just show up etc.
           + November 21st-23rd, 2014
           + we should drop by with 2 or 3 developers, if possible
    + Be great to have -really- easy easy hacks for devs (Bjoern)

* UX Update (Kendy)
    + asked for Sifr icon sources - sent to red-mine, apparently using it
        want to make icon generation more predictable, avoiding black-magic
        working on this with Mirek & sensibly ordered Inkscape sheet.
    + use of redmine discussion - issues / benefits (Bjoern)
        + Mirek won't be able to make the ESC call; so in absentia ...
        + Florian doesn't want the use of the redmine wiki - not backed up etc.
        + prefer a single tool used
        + how is redmine used for QA ? (Robinson)
            + specific admin pieces tracked in there.
            + happy to use bugzilla for that purpose
            + might already fit in the existing infra in Redmine ? (Bjoern)
                + could we merge those & close the project ?
AI: + move the data across to infra / bugzilla (Bjoern)
                + easy to do now - only 10x tasks or so.
            + sometimes there is infra not maintained by infra team (Robinson)
        + otherwise happy enough with UX guys in Redmine.

* QA (Robinson)
  + un-confirmed bug count holding just above 900
    + Robinson distracted by releng while Cloph on vacation
    + rallying the troops on IRC
    + unconfirmed state at same point in last cycle similar (Bjoern)
  + otherwise mostly quiet.

* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +168 -88 (+80 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Jean-Baptiste Faure 9
        ign_christian 8
        Adolfo Jayme 7
        Samuel Mehrbrodt 7
        Jacques Guilleron 6
        Kohei Yoshida 6
        A (Andy) 4

* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 3/12 3/12 7/12 3/8 3/8 4/8 4/8 3/7 3/7 2/5 1/2 1/1
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=79641&hide_resolved=1

* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 16/60 14/59 15/58 12/54 13/53 14/52 14/50 11/47 14/47 14/45 19/43
     26% 23% 25% 22% 24% 26% 28% 23% 29% 33% 44%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=75025&hide_resolved=1

* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 88/257 89/257 91/257 86/252 82/245 83/244 83/243 84/236 85/235
     35% 34% 35% 34% 33% 34% 34% 35% 36%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=65675&hide_resolved=1

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 143/392 143/389 146/385 142/375 141/374 136/361 127/349 119/331
    + http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 466(+9) bugs open of 3060(+18) total
        * ~Component count net *
                Writer - 140 (+2)
           Spreadsheet - 92 (+1)
          Presentation - 31 (+2)
               Crashes - 30 (+0)
           Libreoffice - 24 (-1)
              Database - 26 (+1)
              Graphics - 23 (+0)
                    UI - 21 (+1)
               Borders - 19 (+0)
               Filters - 16 (+1)
               Drawing - 15 (+2)
           Print / PDF - 13 (+1)
                 Chart - 9 (+0)
                 BASIC - 5 (+0)
            Extensions - 5 (+0)
            Linguistic - 4 (+0)
          Installation - 4 (+0)
               Formula - 4 (+0)
             framework - 1 (+0)
                   sdk - 0 (+0)
        Impress Remote - 0 (+0)
  + http://bit.ly/15mM2Yn - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )