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Le 20 juin 2015 22:21:09 GMT+02:00, "Apollo D. Sharpe, Sr." <> a 
écrit :
On 6/20/2015 2:25 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote
Thank you for your email. LibreOffice is released under a free
software license as explained here: . LibreOffice is
developped by its community under the umbrella of its own Foundation, 
the Document Foundation ( http:// ).

As such you may distribute it freely but there may be specific rules
applying depending on the cases.

What would be the way you would distribute or interact with
LibreOffice ?  We have a legal point of contact should you have more

Mr. Schulz,

Thanks for your quick reply. Currently, the plan is for our hardware to

run the PC-BSD operating system. LibreOffice is currently a part of the

installation file of that OS. What we would like is permission for the 
following uses:

* Usage of pics showing components of LibreOffice on our product's
* Usage of links that point to your project's help, FAQ, wiki, & other
   such documentation & troubleshooting pages
* The mention of LibreOffice as software that can be run on our product

The usages you mention are covered in our licenses and our trademark policies. You are free to use 
LibreOffice in the ways you described in the message above.


Charles-H.  Schulz. 

Mr Sharpe,
Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.

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