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Hi Charles, *

First, thanks you all for your feedback, I'm really pleased ;-)

On 06/14/2014 09:43 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
- could you describe how you select content?
Actually, as I'm subscribed to all ML lists, I take the time to read
all what I find interesting on ML and Bugzilla.

The subjects I find interesting are:
- - the rather long threads on ML: having a brief summary of the current
situation of the discussion is always great;
- - the most recurrent subjects;
- - subject difficult to understand;
- - controversial topics;
- - first contributions;
- - progress on the hackfest organization.

- you can make it attractive if we give you a few logos, but surely
you need acccess to our wiki or some sort of official blog for
this... interested?
I want to keep the document as clean as possible, and will include
only additional content needed for the comprehension of the article
like X/Y graphics, modified feature in the GUI, etc.

Publishing a PDF document via Twitter wasn't clearly the ideal format
to use. Making LOWN official would be nice, indeed.

Sorry for having used LaTeX, I know from a marketing POV it isn't
great. But what I wanted was:
- - be allowed to use Vim: I don't like to use a GUI for writing: it is
distracting and hurting my eyes.
- - have an auto-citation system;
- - see the changes made between 2 commits.

LaTeX and Github were answering these problem quite nicely. As Git is
used more effectively on text-based files, I needed a text based tool
like markdown or LaTeX. I dropped markdown since it has not citation
system. The remaining defacto solution was the LaTeX.

- again, thank you for all this I like the breadth and quality of 
content. Let's make this a collaborative effort.
For sure. But the initial idea was to keep it oriented to developers
as much possible. Although I'm not against to broaden the audience. If
you have interesting content I'm not aware of, you can let me know and
I will gonna integrate it.

At first, I thought that
- - using pull requests on Github
- - and sending content via email for those who don't use Github
would be a great idea.

After a discussion on #libreoffice-fr, I realised that a Wiki page for
each LOWN is a great solution.

I can still use Vim if I copy paste the changes to the wiki, the
commit are saved and we have block references with [1].

- we can see how best to circulate this newsletter and make not
just a tool for the outside, but a means of information for the
entire project.

On 06/14/2014 02:21 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
For some reason, the given link will not lead me to any webpage
in my browser.... :-( Is anybody else experiencing problems to
make it work???

Maybe Will has deleted the pdf?

Nope, the link is till valid and always will be. It's a link to the
document hosted on my Github which is a pdf.

I tested on IE, FF and Chrom(e/ium) and the link is working fine. BUT
according to the tests I made with curl -IL, the pdf is detected as
binary --> can cause problem on some platforms. Cannot fix this, the
mimetype error comes from Github.


- -- 
William Gathoye
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