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Le Sun, 20 Oct 2013 18:50:47 +0300,
Zeki Bildirici <> a écrit :

20 Eki 2013 16:58 tarihinde "Charles-H. Schulz" <> yazdı:

Hi, you think we could
design a process (that would probably go through the website of
course) where we could enroll users (defined as people visiting to download LibreOffice) to join any team, such as
marketing, QA, docs, etc?
Anything can attach new contributors will be great to discuss on.

How  do you think this could work? Is it desirable?

I think it will work if we have a convincing and inclusive language
on the related landing pages and Get Involved pages. (BTW it will be
better to use Contribute i/o Get Involved. It is more pro-active and

+1 I was thinking of adding/redesigning the web site in order to entice
people to join. But I hear the option of adding some links or
questions to the installer (less practical I guess, but who knows?)

Banners or some other interactive stuff may bring visitors to the
promo pages or some kind of survey (step by step) questions like
- do you consider to contribute -email name etc to collect the
possible conttibutors on a pool and poke them  frequently in future...
- have you ever contributed any free software projects?
- In which area you may contribute
- Choice of Local or global work areas. Local decision will redirect
to local community.
- Global choice will drive to specific area's related page etc etc...

Btw we should emphasise the term "community" more often. People think
LibreOffice is developed by some specific organizations not like
other fs projects where community is on stage. I may be wrong but
more inclusion is needed imo.

The community is our base, our starting point, and our first "customer"
as well (we, the marketing team). When we do marketing, we don't
market a product but we market the community to the community; so the
challenge is to grow it, and to grow it we need to involve it, and to
involve it, we need to reach out to it, and reaching out to the
community means both improving our internal communication and workflow,
and growing the actual size of the community...

Share your thoughts!

Charles-H. Schulz 
Co-founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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