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Le 2013-07-25 03:16, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
On 25/07/2013 04:33, Marc Paré wrote:

Looks like MS is trying to get as many people on their cloud and on the
rental circuit.

The added value of  having a direct connection with the NSA  and several
high profile people such as Barack Obama, Steve Ballmer, Larry Page,
Serghey Brin and Tim Cook with one single Office 365 license is really
priceless. I wonder why they also add the Xbox, as this is peanuts in
comparison with PRISM.

I can tell you that my 14 year old son's friends are all telling their parents about the Xbox deal even though they all have LibreOffice (I have them all using LibreOffice), ... ahem ... I am buying my son his extra year and avoiding all of it with him (he has a Windows 7 partition for his game playing, but does all of his school work on his Mageia Linux partition with LibreOffice -- I sometimes sneak in some rc's for him to try out as well).

For the younger set, this is a good deal even if they do have LibreOffice installed.



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