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Hi :)
There 'must' be a good reason why the main downloads page is forcing people into using the 'newer' 
branch that is still rife with problems (as seen from the numbers and types of problems being 
raised on the Users List).  I doubt it is deliberately aiming to dissuade people from continuing to 
use LibreOffice even though that seems to be the result.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 5/4/12, webmaster-Kracked_P_P <hidden> wrote:
Date: Thursday, 5 April, 2012, 10:57

WE NEED THIS STRESSED on the web site.

The 3.5.x line is still the "cutting edge" version and is not ready for the needs of business user, 
and the personal user that must have as few issues as possible.

If we had this on the web site on the page where it "recommends" 3.5.x instead of the 3.4.x line 
for all things, we will get more people who need LO working with virtually no issues.  Right now, 
this person would not have updated to 3.5.x for his "very important work" without dealing with any 
issues involved with the first few version of a new line.  If there was a statement that 3.4.x 
"recommended for the business user" and 3.5.x "recommended for the personal user on the cutting 
edge",  may be people who need a very stable version of LO will not have issues like this person 

I know we must have people using the 3.5.x line and reporting bugs and issues, but do we really 
want to hear from business users that downloaded the 3.5.x "recommended" line and then they or 
their people starting having a lot of "work stoppage" issues?  LO will get a bad "rep" fast that 

I wish this person well with his dissertation, but if there was a statement next to the 3.4.x and 
3.5.x lines telling people which is best for their needs, we should/would not see people with "must 
not fail" usage needs for their office suite have "work stoppage" issues like this one.

For a dissertation, I would not recommend the 3.5.x line, YET.  The same should go for any business 
user, or even students, that need to have the most stable version of LO working for them.

Remember, people here stated that our users used the 3.3.x line till 3.4.x went to 3.4.3 or 3.4.4.  
Why are we recommending 3.5.0, or 3.5.1 for every user now?  That is what the download page is 
doing.  Sure there are some new and better features for 3.5.x, but we do not want to get known for 
pushing a version of LO to the business user that is not as stable as it needs to be for their use.

For the people I deal with locally, including all of the people I hand out DVDs to, I have not 
recommended them to go to 3.5.x, yet.  I do not want "my" business users to update from 3.4.x to 
3.5.x till it is ready.  I do not want them to come back on me about why they are now having issues 
that 3.4.x did not.  I did not start handing out 3.4.x DVDs to my business users till it was at 

On 04/05/2012 03:42 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Yes, stick with the 3.4.x version that is working.  Perhaps post a bug-report if you have time.  
Both the links give much the same end result.  You might find the 2nd link easier to use
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 4/4/12, e-letter<hidden>  wrote:

From: e-letter<hidden>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Figure Numbering disrupted in Master Document (LO 3.5)
Date: Wednesday, 4 April, 2012, 8:54

On 27/03/2012, nik<hidden>  wrote:
Dear all, I'm writing a long dissertation and therefore I'm using a master
document. In LB3.4 the master document was working fine, with 3.5 instead
the figure numbering went crazy - the figure fields showed "no sources
found" or something similar. I rolled back to 3.4 and everything is ok at
the moment. I was wondering if this is a bug of 3.5. Any help is much

For something as important as a dissertation document, you would be
crazy to use new, untested, latest software versions such as LO35.
Always read the bug reports, QA test results etc. before.

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