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Hello people,
Advertising materials that are produced or already have in international
languages ​​and are available for editing may be included here in Espirito
Livre Magazine! Currently I have this work including a full page per issue with
material provided by Eliane Domingos. But if you have other materials ready,
I can use. I will be happy to publish.

2012/3/11 webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>

One place where money is needed is providing handouts for the major
events.  There are events planned world wide for Linux and other shows that
LO could/should be a part of.

I know what it costs for creating DVD and brochures to hand out to people.
 I do it myself for my local area.  Shows could be a place where you could
hand out 50, 100, 200, or more DVDs with LO "stuff" on them, plus
brochures, and the typical free marketing items that companies tend to give
out to the people who visit their booths.  I use to do such shows, either
as a person working table for a group or just go to the shows.  I cannot do
this now, but I remember what it was like.

I know that an individual or small group cannot afford to pay for these
discs, brochures, and other free handouts, by themselves unless they really
have a well paying job.  The costs of doing a good presentation at a show
can be rather large.  There was some talk about sending a "single" copy of
a LO banner to the different lead persons of each show, to help reduce the
costs for the table display.  But LO could have a "display kit" that goes
to every single show, to reduce the costs.  BUT, each show would have the
cost for handing out media discs and everything else that people expect a
table to have for free.

Marketing expenses can be high.

I sure do not have the money to spend if I was going to be sitting at a
table for one of them and pay for the free handouts.  I have enough to do
just paying for all the DVDs, DVD movie cases, case inserts, and brochures,
that I hand out to my local community.  I print them up a few at a time
with my DVD printer and my color laser printer.  Thin DVD-Movie cases cost
about 30 cents if you buy them in lots of 100 [shipping included] instead
of buck or more if bought locally at 10 per box.  I give out only as many
as I can afford on my fixed income from my injuries forcing me to stop
working a "normal job".

So maybe someone can provide how much it costs to do the shows, and then
look into having some of those costs provided by some type of "marketing

On 03/10/2012 09:59 PM, Jean Weber wrote:

I should add that any request for books or money should say how the LO
community might benefit, and why the requester (individual or group) is
unable (or would find it difficult) to cover the cost themself. Each
request will be considered on its merits, and no one should assume that any
particular request would be approved or declined.


On 11/03/2012, at 11:17, Jean Weber<>  wrote:

Yes, that's a common use of the money: sending copies of user guides
to people for various promotional purposes. (And that way the books
are paid for by the publisher -- FoOD -- at the wholesale price, not
the retail price, typically saving more than enough to cover

Please send your request, with details of which book (there are
several in the LO series), why wanted, address for delivery, etc) to**. Allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.

Mind you, the covers on the current books don't look very exciting or
professional. The next set of books will have a really nice cover...
if the Docs team ever finishes an update so FoOD can publish it!


On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 11:00, Dave Johnson<**>

Can a marketing person request a printed LO user guide instead of
money? I
am approaching a Church School to adopt L O vice MSO. A book to show
in my presentation will help.
On Mar 10, 2012 6:24 PM, "Jean Weber"<>  wrote:

 Hi Tom,
Are you supporting or objecting to having local groups request some of
money that Friends of OpenDocument is holding?


On 11/03/2012, at 8:55, Tom Davies<**>  wrote:

 Hi :)
I thought the plan was to have "local teams", such as the Brazilian,

the French or wherever, all administering their own finances and then
giving maybe a flat rate as "Affiliation fees" or some such and then
a percentage too.

My personal feeling is that Local teams need to work towards being

self-sufficient and it would be great if they can cover their own
costs without always having to discuss minutia and waiting for TDF's
BoD to
approve a sundry expense.  I don't see any problem with Local Teams
affiliated to both OOo and LO at the same time now.  I guess some
funds may
need to be restricted to one or the other but that is something for the
bookkeeping records and end-of-year financial accounts.

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 10/3/12, ol klaus-jürgen weghorn<>


From: ol klaus-jürgen weghorn<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Funds available for marketing


To: marketing@global.libreoffice.**org<>
Date: Saturday, 10 March, 2012, 8:18

Hi Jean, all,

Am 10.03.2012 05:13, schrieb Jean Weber:

 Instead of giving the LO money to The Document Foundation
for general expenses, we think it is better to make it available to
cover expenses that The Document Foundation can't or won't
deal with. Some examples might be the cost of marketing
materials (including copies of the user guides) for tables at events,
attendance at events aimed at potential and actual customers
(librarians, educators, etc), or just about anything that would be
valuable for spreading awareness and growing the community
and the customer base.

2 thoughts:
- maybe interesting for the BoD-ml (board-discuss@** <>)


- maybe some part of the money for a travel refund (see point 12 of

BoD-tasks [1]? "We are not yet in a position to pay these"

[1] http://wiki.**<>


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