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Hi *,

for some reason, I was too stupid to forward this one immediately, but
the mail was stuck in my drafts/outgoing for nearly a month...
But I really like the service provides, and how
helpful the people running it are, thus I want to share it

In case you're wondering what it refers to: Every mail sent to our
mailinglists has a direct link to the corresponding message in the
archive. Thus when you want to point people to a mail you have in your
local mbox, you don't need to search and browse the LO mail archive to
dig out a link, you just display the message headers and use the link
you find in the Archived-at field, for example

Archived-At: <>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Breidenbach <>
Date: Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 10:36 PM
Subject: Happy 2012
To: Gossip <>

Happy New Year!

As 2011 ends, it is once again time to look back at The Mail Archive.
First, let's talk hardware. We broke the 100 million message barrier
this year, which is getting close to the design limit for our current
hardware. Next year will almost certainly require a new storage
system, although we'll probably wait at least a quarter as supplies
continue to recover from the horrific flooding in Thailand. And who
knows, maybe 2012 will be the year we finally jump completely to solid
state storage. The Mail Archive typically runs at 8X replication,
which turned out to be an excellent idea this past week when we lost
four (!) copies due to mechanical failure of disk drives. I suspect
the reason has to do with one of the failure modes of spinning disks;
they seem happy but once they stop moving they don't want to start
again. Hence it is not that surprising to lose multiple disks during a
reboot. There was some downtime but no data loss, and we end the year
with 99.7% uptime.

Next let's cover financials. I'm once again proud of The Mail
Archive's donations. This year we helped support the Ada Initiative,
which helps women pursue engineering and technology. We donated
towards disaster relief in Japan. And we're still picking out the
final recipient in these waning hours of 2011. Donations are a fixed
portion of advertising revenue, which unfortunately declined this
year. For whatever reason, there are fewer visitors coming in from the
global search engines. Fortunately, revenue still exceeds the costs of
running the service. So if you or your friends have additional lists
to archive or import, please go for it. Bottom line is after 13 years
The Mail Archive is still going strong, but there is no danger of
anyone getting rich.

Finally, let's talk about fun events. By far the most challenging
import this year was with the IEEE; I almost went crazy in the process
but their requested material is successfully online. Big thanks to the
patient folks on the IEEE side. Another set of kudos goes to the
LibreOffice people; being "difficult" and "demanding" helps keep us on
our toes. Thank you. In personal news, I became a father this year, so
the majority of sleepless nights had nothing whatsoever to do with
email. Finally, one of the charter goals of Mail Archive, Inc. is to
have fun, and towards that end the three of us have booked a flight
aboard a zeppelin on January 8th. Most of my knowledge about zeppelins
comes from Indiana Jones movies, so I'm expecting a lot of excitement.

Have a happy and healthy 2012, Mayan Apocalypse or not!


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