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Agreed. I plan on approaching some local highschools
Offering the DVD with extras. Can I have a link to your image... I don't
want to reinvent the wheel.
On Jan 17, 2012 9:18 PM, "webmaster for Kracked Press Productions" <> wrote:

On 01/17/2012 04:42 PM, Dave Johnson wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dave Johnson"<**com <>>
Date: Jan 17, 2012 3:40 PM
Subject: Libo push
To: ""<floeff@** <>>

Just wanted to pass on that I have been promoting libreoffice  on 5 campus
in middle tennessee usa.
I have contacted via email as many as 300 individual students.
I will be passing out as many libreoffice dvd's as I can make.
Please forward this message to the group so everybody can  know what I'm
doing in tennessee

Well, I have printed about half that many from the various versions of the
following DVD ISO file, since summer.  Most were given out to people within
50 miles of my location in "central" New York State.

It would be nice to get the DVDs into the hands of the students BEFORE
they get the MS habit, i.e. while they are still at home in their local
school districts.  Free DVDs to college students are great, except if it is
after their parents forked out for MSO on their kid's college computers.


I tend to make both DVD case and thin-jewel case copies depending on who
will be getting the media.  Except for the lower computer skilled person -
think business suites - I tend to give out DVDs with Windows, Linux, and
Mac installs.  For those who would have problems with that, or gets
confused about their computer's specs, I have a Windows-only version of the

What extras are you offering besides the generic LO English install files?
 Any extra language packs?  Any extra dictionaries?  Any extensions or
templates?  If you have students where they read/write more than just
English, or maybe Spanish as well, it is good to have a sampling of other
language packs to show them that it is easy to add more languages to the
package, or at least have more dictionaries than just the default ones.
 There are over 180 dictionaries that work for LO out there.  I tried to
include them all with my DVDs.  I now produced a set of English
dictionaries [plus thesaurus and hyphenation] going from 98,000 words to
over 638,000 words in their spelling word lists.  I have a 1,000,000+ word
list, but the last 200,000 words seem to be mostly obscure words and "weird
but valid" spellings of included ones.  You get to decide on how far you
want to go with the depth of the words, and word types, you want to spell.
 There are dictionaries specifically for Medical and Chemical words and
terms that are currently not in my 638K word lists [90K+/- of them].  Bet
that would help for some college students.

So the extras do help.  So does templates for "standard" document types
that they might need can help with their large paper assignments.

It is great that you have the ability to canvas 5 colleges with the
software.  Now maybe we can get more "extras" that are geared for the
"learning environments".  From 6th grade to post-graduate level, all could
use more "stuff" than comes in the basic office package to help with their
paperwork these days.  MSO does not do much, except student discount, so
maybe we should.

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