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Hello Paulo,

Le Thu, 1 Sep 2011 09:04:51 -0300,
Paulo de Souza Lima <> a écrit :

Hello. =)

2011/9/1 webmaster for Kracked Press Productions

This was brought up a few months ago, and I do not remember the

For those who will be selling copies of their distribution DVDs, or
coffee mugs, tee-shirts, etc., there could be a listed line stating
something like the following: "A portion of this purchase is
donated to The Documentation Foundation and Marketing teams to help
the pay for the cost running their servers and the marketing items
for the technology shows."  Then there would be something saying
about TDF/LibreOffice people and the marketers are all volunteers,
and would benefit from donated funds to offset the cost of the
marketing materials.

So the question is, how do people who sell items, that are LO
based, get the donations to TDF and/or get it into the hands of the
marketing people to "help offset the cost of doing business"?

Now that there is LibreOffice documentation for all the modules
[except for Base]  It may be the time to start looking into the
process to sell the distribution DVDs [NA-DVD and others], plus any
mugs, shirts, hats, etc., etc., that some individual or group will
be offering.  I think I remember seeing a "donation" statement on
Drew's "test" merchandising page,  Plus, I remember seeing it
somewhere else.  So, if Drew, and others, collect donations, where
does it go and who gets it?

NOTE:  I do know that TDF/LO is in the process of chartering
[making sure it is done completely and correctly for all the
various government regulations involved], so there may not be an
"official" TDF/LO banking account in their name till that is done.

I'd like to include some other issues to this thread:

1 - Where/When/How will the accounting on this financial resources be
publicly displayed, including donations made via TDF website? (This
question was made by an young man who was watching my last lecture
about LibreOffice) 

If you mean the budget, we need to have the foundation approved.
Otherwise it's FroDev (in Germany) and I'm sure their accounting is

2 - Most of people who really contribute to
LibreOffice are willing to participate of great events like FISL,
CONSEGI, Campus Party, and others (just to say some local events) and
have no money to do it. Why can't they support their costs with such
events obtaining resources from LibreOffice stuff they could sell?

I think this would lead to quite a lot of issues. 

3 - What will be the criteria to support local community
representatives (i.e. the local marketing teams, events organization,
marketing stuff, books printing, etc.) with part of those resources?
Or are those resources only to support international activities or
TDF (the organization) activities? 

So that is a real question, we have a session about this in Paris and
we need to make real decisions together with the NGOs working with us. 

4 - Will money contributors have
some kind of advantage than those who don't contribute with money?

No, never ever. :-)


What should it be? How should it be?

My questions are only to clarify some issues that certainly will
arise in the near future. At least one of them has just arose in my
last lecture and I couldn't answer to it objectively because I had no
information on that.


Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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