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2011/8/22 Tom Davies <>

Hi :)
I think that part of the point of having a named, regular, person is partly
that people in the local lists know who to contact about trivial issues
don't need to be broadcast to the entire list.  Also to get clarification
or to
get things quickly onto all lists.  Likewise the other way around, from
international lists to local lists.

I think it's likely to be a role that keeps a person quite busy so i
about it being the job of the leader of a local list.  It might be better
delegate different jobs to different people if possible.  However, i think
that's something for lists to decide for themselves.

I agree with that too. That's why I have proposed at least one revision of
those names regularly: for people don't think their tasks are an
"employment" or a "carreer", or give them some "powers" the others don't
have. People's ego are very difficult to manage. I don't think we have to
make ellections every year, but I do think we should ask people if they
agree that those people who already are in those positions go on with their
jobs, regularly. Case not, give them ways to replace them. And people in
those tasks should search for skilled people in their communities who could
be able to do their tasks. I also think regular replacements could allow
people to aquire experience and improve the team's skills.

People who are "on duty" must be aware their positions are not "for a
lifetime", as some people tend to believe. I know that should be a local
issue, but that issue will affect those who will be in contact to the
international teams, and the frontier of what is a local issue and what is a
general issue begins to seem a little blur for me.

Regards from
Tom :)


Paulo de Souza Lima
Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
Curitiba - PR
Linux User #432358
Ubuntu User #28729

"For people to achieve peace in their relationships, spiritual peace and the
peace among people, it's necessary, earlier, to win the internal battle
between virtues and defects" - Talal Husseini - Acropolitan Philosopher

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