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drew wrote (17-08-11 15:14)
On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 14:58 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
drew wrote (17-08-11 14:52)

if you want to look to a model then look to Ubuntu Local Teams

Can you explain more?

I thought you'd never ask

Oh, sorry if I missed a prior suggestion from your side.

Quick comment:

IMO the way the Marcons structure was at was passive, you
setup a list of individuals as contacts in local areas and then they
waited for something to happen.

That is how it worked out mostly. Anyway, eventually.
I have not been involved in the early years, but from what I remember there has been exchange of / demand for (year) reports in the early times.

What the Ubuntu Local Team approach does is say, you must demonstrate
that there is:

1 - more then one person in an area as a contact
2 - these people are actively engaged in local activities
3 - REQUIRE feedback from these people on a regular basis
[This has to be both a carrot / stick approach, heavy on the carrot]

in other words, and I realize only my POV, it seemed that the Marcon
model was passive, where as the Local Team approach is pro-active.

In any case I recognise that there was activity from our local Ubuntu group. But the Dutch language group was not completely inactive either ;-)

Whatever it may be: I support the idea that a pro-active approach is what we need. So we definitely need to learn from the good examples that help to build such a sustainable community. A good visibility, as the list that Warrens refers to, is one important thing of course.

Fabian Rodriquez made what I thought were good points along these lines
a few months back, I think on the fr mailing list (discuss?) and I'll go
look for that for a reference for this thread.


 - Cor

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