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Bernhard Dippold wrote:
thanks for the reminder, but the topics seem to be quite unrelated to me.

Well, to me they are: you can't specify that the license is free software besides being open source (which, to stay on topic, is right and desirable) but at the same time indicate a wrong license.

Please repost this request to the website mailing list again - it is not a
marketing question.

I'd tend to disagree here, it's basic communication about the product. But I pinged the website list again.

Factual errors should be corrected before making any terminology
improvements: once the license indication is right, then it's OK to
improve the text around it.

I don't see these topics to be related at all:
The community works on different bugs at the same time.

Yes, but here we are talking about highlighting the merits of the LibreOffice license and at the same time we are stating the wrong license, so I see them as very strongly related. Anyway, we are free to have different opinions on this minor detail.

Please raise awareness on the appropriate list about your license issue
(I'm quite sure it just has been overseen in the past) and let others work
on the topics of their interest.

I had reported it on the right list, and taking care of it would be a precondition (for me) of any license terminology clarification. But I've followed your advice; sorry if anyone was distracted, and if you want to follow the specific issue of the wrong license (it's just about removing two extra words, and it doesn't need a lot of discussion!) you can use the link from my earlier post.


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