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Good morning!


Thanks Eliane,

Nice photos. I have some questions:

- I like the large banner (DSCF1185)

This banner was made in inkscape and the file is here:

- i like the banner that you used to walk around the conference (DSCF1146) -- I like this idea!
True! This is Furusho's idea. :D .. I don't have the file, but you can ask him, if you want. His e-mail.
- I was wondering about the ODF banner (DSCF1367), was this banner donated by the ODF or is it a banner that you had made for the conference?

The banner was donated by State Deputy, author of ODF Bill in Rio de Janeiro. He is a great defender of free software and our great partner in Rio de Janeiro, I live in Rio de Janeiro.

- were you selling T-shirts?

The t-shirts were sold and randomly selected. Vitorio made a model and I did another. These shirts were made with our money because we do not have sponsorship. We must at least cover the cost of the t-shirts.

- were you giving away any LibreOffice items? It looks like you were giving away pamphlets and some other documentation. (DSCF1115) (I like the large banner on the right hand side on this photo.)

I gave pamphlets, the layout is here: and and adhesive notebook, the layout is here:

Furusho made another layout and it's here:

- was it a busy conference?
Paulo wrote in another e-mail. Thanks Paulo.
- how many banners did you have in your booth and what sizes did you use?

I made two banners for libreoffice. Size: 90 x 130

- I was just wondering what was happening on this photo? (01071011004)

I was drawing t-shirts: D

- I like this photo, it gives us a clear shot of how big your booth was and the LibreOffice banners (CSCF1085)

Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for representing LibreOffice at the conference!
Yes. I had a great time. I made my best to the TDF and LibreOffice.

Kind regards.



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