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Hello Jean Baptiste

The source of this information states "consistent" (bug 97021) but I
agree that mathematicaly, "consistent" does not mean much and the
context call for "constant" instead.

Poking Winfried...

Kind regards


Em 08/05/2016 07:57, Jean-Baptiste Faure escreveu:

Trying to translate UI for FORECAST_ETS_ADD function, I read its online
help to understand what this function does.

In the help we have
"The time line values must have a consistent step between them."
"If a constant step can't be identified in the sorted time line, the
functions will return the #NUM! error."

So I wonder if the correct word in the first sentence is not "constant"
instead of "consistent".
In the UI (string YD83z) the word "consistent" is used too.

Can somebody confirm or infirm the correct use on "consistent". If it si
confirmed, what does mean "a consistent step" in this case?

Best regards.

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil - Local time: UTC-03

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